You want to eat plenty of muscle-building protein. You want to eat clean. You know, in your heart of hearts, that cooking your own food is the way to go.
Exercise Program
Many people have had to compromise their muscle-building aspirations because their local gyms have closed or they had to resort to training at home. Read more
Perfect Diet Plan
Intermittent Fasting is a form of time-restricting way of eating which involves consuming food during an 8-hour window and avoiding it (or fasting) for the rest of the day.

“Within just a couple days of starting Mary’s coaching program, I had more energy than I ever had and just 2 weeks in I dropped 6 pounds! For the first time in my adult life I’ve dropped a pants size!”
Sample Post Format: Chat
Sam: Salami chuck frankfurter fatback, jerky venison ham filet mignon pork chop beef.
George: Tenderloin pork belly short ribs burgdoggen strip steak, prosciutto brisket.
Sam: Jerky burgdoggen pastrami short loin doner meatloaf shank beef ribs flank kevin.
George: Short ribs kielbasa ball tip chuck bacon meatball meatloaf cow biltong pastrami filet mignon fatback. Read more
Sample Post Format: Aside
Exercise, while not required to lose weight, can help you lose weight more quickly. Lifting weights has particularly good benefits.